NHS Lothian Quit Your Way East Lothian & Midlothian

Opening times not provided


For support to stop smoking in the East Lothian and Midlothian area please contact us on 0131 537 9914 and we can arrange for one of our practitioners to contact you. Alternatively, you can self refer for support via the green click to be contacted button above.

Quit Your Way Services deliver free stop smoking support at a variety of locations and are provided by specialist practitioners. Sessions are very informal, and our friendly practitioners will discuss the products that can help you quit. Support usually last for 12 weeks or until you have finished any stop smoking medication and feeling confident staying quit.

Services Offered

  • Drop In
  • Group Rolling Support
  • One to One Support
  • Smoking in Pregnancy
  • Telephone Support
  • Youth Services

On your first appointment your practitioner will discuss your smoking habits and talk about what options will work best for you. They can tailor your quit plan to include free Nicotine Replacement Therapy (if appropriate) and useful coping strategies.

You'll have weekly support sessions where your practitioner will review your progress, provide encouragement, advise you on next steps and help motivate you to quit and stay quit.

Contact Monday- Friday for more information (answer machine available).

Contact details


Bonnyrigg Health Centre
109-111 High Street
EH19 2ET


0131 537 9914

Last Updated: 06/06/2024
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